by adminba | Oct 2, 2019 | PREDAVAČI
Software Engineer with a side of DevOps Public Speaker, Trainer & Author. DevOps Educator with 10+ Years of Experience in the Field. Building a Custom Autoscaler with Prometheus and Grafana
by adminba | Oct 2, 2019 | PREDAVAČI
CISO| Associate Professor | Microsoft MVP CISO and University Professor active in the areas of databases, information security, privacy, and forensic analysis. Author of the books: Writing T-SQL Queries for Beginners Using Microsoft SQL Server 2012, Securing SQL...
by adminba | Oct 2, 2019 | PREDAVAČI
MA-NO d.o.o Luka Manojlovic radi u ITju vec više od 15 godina. Ima vlastito preduzece u Sloveniji kde radi kao konsultant i eksterni sistemski administrator za oko 40 preduzeca i ISPa. Zadnjih pet godina ima zvanje MS MVP za podrucja Consumer Security, Management...
by adminba | Oct 2, 2019 | PREDAVAČI
Architecting the future! Started as trainer and administrator in Algebra, then through some years became head of operating systems department at Algebra private college. At that time, he became IT Pro group lead and 5-year Microsoft MVP. After four years in Microsoft...
by adminba | Oct 2, 2019 | PREDAVAČI
Mistral, Data Science developer Mersiha Ćeranić, Data Science developer at Mistral Company. Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, department Computer Science and Informatics. Currently at Master studies in the field of Data Science at International Burch University....
by adminba | Oct 2, 2019 | PREDAVAČI
Principal Database Consultant at bwin Milos Radivojevic is a database consultant located in Vienna, Austria. He is Data Platform MVP and specializes in SQL Server for application developers and performance and query tuning. Currently he works as principal database...