by adminba | Oct 2, 2019 | PREDAVANJA
Marin Frankovic As cloud architect I am part of many Azure migrations and greenfield implementations in Azure. In this one we designed, implemented and still migrating and deploying resources in one large customer that is spread over 5 different countries and multiple...
by adminba | Oct 2, 2019 | PREDAVANJA
Luka Manojlovic Pri količini podataka sa kojim danas operisemo vrlo je bitno, da pogledamo koje fajl sisteme koristimo i kakve mogucnosti ti sistemi pruzaju za odrzavanje konsistence podataka kroz vreme. Na predavanju cemo videti koje funkcionalnosti i na kakav način...
by adminba | Oct 2, 2019 | PREDAVANJA
Adis Jugo Most of you know about Microsoft Teams Live Events, the attend-only mode in Microsoft Teams for non-interactive events and presentations. However, setting up and managing such an event can be quite challenging. This session will guide you step-by-step...
by adminba | Oct 2, 2019 | PREDAVANJA
Tom Janetscheck At Microsoft Ignite 2020, we announced quite a bunch of exciting news regarding Azure Security Center’s cloud security posture management (CSPM) and cloud workload protection platform (CWPP) capabilities. In this session, you will learn...