Adis Jugo

I am an MVP and RD, love wine, and am looking for someone to play guitar with Trusted advisor and entrepreneur. CEO at Nubelus. Enterprise architect with focus on Microsoft Cloud Platform. Microsoft MVP for Microsoft 365 and Azure, and Microsoft Regional Director....

Aleksandar Nikolic

PowerShell Magazine Aleksandar Nikolic is a Cloud and Datacenter Management MVP, a Microsoft Azure MVP, a co-founder of, and a community manager of Aleksandar is also a Microsoft Azure Advisor.He has more than 18 years of...

Barbara Forbes

IT Consultant | SCCT Barbara is a Microsoft Azure MVP, MCT and consultant. Her daily work includes Azure, Office 365, Windows Server and automation. Her focus is on Azure automation, PowerShell, Infrastructure as Code and Azure DevOps. Her blog is found...

Damir Dizdarević

LOGOSOFT , CEO Damir Dizdarević dugogodišnji je predavač na gotovo svim Microsoft i community konferencijama u regiji. Ima preko 20 godina iskustva u IT-u, pretežno sa Microsoft platformama. Redovno biva odlično ocijenjen od strane publike a teme kojima se...

Danilo Omaljev

Senior Systems Engineer, Digital14, Abu Dhabi, UAE Danilo Omaljev has been working in IT for more than 17 years – mostly engaged on infrastructure projects on Microsoft platform. During his professional career he has had specialized and certified for various Microsoft...

Domagoj Pavlesic, MS MVP Domagoj Pavlešić se bavi programiranjem od školskih dana. Zadnjih petnaestak godina posvetio se web-razvoju, a ponekad napravi izlete i u mobilne i IoT uređaje. Napisao je nekoliko stotina stručnih članaka i pola knjige o razvoju .NET aplikacija. Drži...